Full Moon Cacao & Sound Healing Ceremony

Full Moon Cacao & Sound Healing Ceremony


June 20, 2024    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


198 NW 79th St
198 Northwest 79th Street Miami, Miami Beach, FL, 33150

Immerse yourself in the enchantment of the Strawberry Moon at our Full Moon Cacao & Sound Healing Ceremony. This mystical experience combines guided breathwork and the ancient tradition of savoring cacao, a revered elixir sourced from the indigenous Bri Bri tribes of Costa Rica.

Discover the Harmonious Synergy of Cacao and Breathwork

Often hailed as the food of the Gods, cacao is celebrated for its heart-opening attributes. As participants partake in this potent elixir, a safe space is created for emotional release, heightened sensory perception, and profound connections with oneself and the community. Paired with breathwork techniques, which involve deliberate manipulation of breath to influence energetic states, this practice facilitates deep relaxation, clarity, and spiritual awakening.

Harness the Power of the Strawberry Moon

Under the luminous full moon of June, participants harness the transformative potential of this celestial event. The Strawberry Moon represents a cosmic call to action, urging growth, evolution, and reassessment of life journeys. It prompts reevaluation of the intentions set during the New Moon in Capricorn last January. As participants savor the heart-expanding properties of the ancient cacao and activate consciousness through breathwork, they open their hearts to receive the universe’s abundant blessings and reenergize the intentions set at the beginning of the year.

Embrace the Heart-Opening Journey

This sacred ritual invites participants to embrace the heart-opening properties of the esteemed plant medicine, activating the connection between mind, body, and spirit. Through the art of therapeutic journaling, participants document their journey, capturing insights, recalibrations, and intuitive downloads received during the ritual.

Rejuvenate with Mindful Movement and Sound Healing

Following the introspective activities, participants transition to mindful movement to release any stagnant energy from their bodies, activating vitality and a sense of rejuvenation. The ceremony concludes with a soothing sound bath, restoring balance to the nervous system and reconnecting with the heart.

This ceremony offers more than a sensory experience; it is a spiritual journey that connects participants with their hearts, the earth, and the cosmos, empowering them to activate their full potential. Join us under the Strawberry Moon for a transformative evening of cacao, breathwork, and sound healing.

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