Somatic Activated Healing Method

Somatic Activated Healing Method


June 7, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


The Standard Spa
40 Island Avenue Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, 33139, FL

Event Type

Embark on a transformative journey with the Somatic Activated Healing Method (SAH), a powerful blend of ecstatic dance, breathwork, mantra, and meditation designed to facilitate deep emotional release and holistic healing. Led by experienced facilitators, this method harnesses the profound connection between body and mind to help you release stored emotions and cultivate inner peace.

Experience the SAH Journey:

Ecstatic Dance: Begin your session with ecstatic dance, allowing your body to move freely and expressively. Through rhythmic movements and music, you will tap into your body’s wisdom, releasing tension and stagnant energy.

Breathwork: Explore the transformative power of breathwork to oxygenate your body and activate your natural healing processes. Guided breathing exercises will help you deepen your connection to self and release emotional blockages.

Mantra and Meditation: Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of mantra chanting and meditation. These practices will quiet the mind, enhance your spiritual connection, and bring clarity and peace to your inner world.

Emotional Release: Through SAH, you will be guided to release stored emotions that no longer serve you. By honoring and processing these emotions, you create space within yourself for healing, growth, and new experiences.

Collective Reiki Ceremony: Conclude your journey with a collective Reiki ceremony, a gentle yet powerful energy healing practice. The soothing energy of Reiki will harmonize your body’s energy centers, supporting the integration of your emotional release and promoting overall well-being.

Benefits of SAH:

  • Emotional Liberation: Release pent-up emotions and experience a sense of emotional freedom.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Enhance awareness of the mind-body connection and its impact on overall well-being.
  • Stress Relief: Reduce stress and anxiety through holistic healing practices.
  • Spiritual Growth: Deepen spiritual awareness and connection to your inner self.
  • Community Support: Join a supportive community of individuals on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Who Should Attend:

SAH is suitable for anyone seeking to release emotional baggage, deepen their spiritual practice, and cultivate greater harmony within themselves. Whether you are new to somatic healing practices or have experience in holistic wellness, SAH offers a safe and nurturing environment for personal growth and transformation.

Join us for the Somatic Activated Healing Method and embark on a journey of emotional release, spiritual renewal, and inner transformation. Rediscover a sense of wholeness and vitality as you align your body, mind, and spirit. Reserve your place today and embrace the power of holistic healing with SAH.

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Breathe Atlanta         Breathe Los Angeles

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